Friday, February 09, 2018


After a thrilling and busy week, when I planned to do nothing but to go to bed early tonight...well, here we are.  To be sure, I did empty out some emails, caught up some links, did some of my favorite therapeutic activities... haven't made any progress on the film list, but there is of course time.  I have been doing some reading at the gym, at least... right now, I am reading about the last battles of the Petersburg campaign, most interesting, as you can imagine...

Most, or at least, many, GOPers, would agree with, after the big spending bill last nite, and two...well, a lot of people would prefer that the states took the lead on this sort of thing, and I suspect there are just enough smart GOPers out there to make it work...

I've been reading a lot about housing policy lately... maybe the legacy of Evicted or something else; but the one thing that keeps coming back to me is that more units have to be built; but rent control is equally unwise, given its perverse series of incentives and the fact that it spurs all sorts of cheating... to me, contempt for the law...well, I can see how it persists in NYC, which is more the reason it cannot persist here...


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