After another long and thrilling week, it is good to be home, doing very little... ok, I am reading the Bill James Handbook, catching up on email and various other things, not cleaning my house... you get the drift. I did eradicate one paper pile last nite and went through a drawer of knick knacks this morning (also had a very good workout, rah).
I get a kick out of these articles and the ones complaining about states imposing work requirements on Medicaid; I don't know, I would think in part that these requirements are exactly the thing to get the people who should be working into work. Let's face it; most MDs and other people will find ways around the system, but for those who cannot fake it... this doesn't seem all the egregious.
I am a little surprised by the shutdown, given that it would seem that everyone would have been better off to at least pass a compromise to keep things open while the sniping continued. I suspect the GOP will get blamed -- even if DACA would be an advantage -- because the media, well, they are what they are....
I think the solution is to ban them, or at least, cull the herd; I mean, I've always said it is one thing for the guy at the business end of a shovel to have a union, but a paper-pusher at a desk... puh-leese.
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