Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Took a personal day today -- oil change, lab work, other things needed to be done; I guess I sort of needed it, not that I was able to sleep in -- I couldn't, so I woke up and went to the gym, which was prolly wise, as I had a solid workout.

One of my coworkers asked me why the Tribe couldn't have offered the deal the Giants did to Austin first thought of course was that he was young for the Giants.  :)  I told him that I thought a lot of people thought that Ajax would self-correct next year, he has an injury risk issue, especially with his skills, and he is an old 30...  but you know, he wasn't wrong... hell, you could say the same about the currently penciled in at LF for the Tribe, and while it is a longer commitment, it also is cheaper...

Up to 620 on the film list; crossed two short ones off today.  One was "They Call it Pro Football," an NFL Films documentary from 1967. The other was "Think of Me First as a Person," a short film about a child with Down's syndrome... both were interesting, more or less; more seriously, sort of, are the facts that 1) I will eventually hit a bunch films I can't access and 2) this will piss me off.  Well, I mean, I will have to pay for them, maybe, and that will suck, but... I have 105 films to go, and I suspect half may be in that category, which will be most unpleasant..


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