Monday, November 19, 2018

Progress of a sort

So, I was mucking around on youtube yesterday, and I came across "Verbena Tragica," which is on the National Film Registry... now, it is in Spanish, but I decided -- with the help of a wikipedia page and a translator -- that I could figure it out... and I did.  I mean, the plot was pretty simple, but it wasn't too bad -- I mean, I sort of liked it, all in all.  I then decided to muck around some more, and came up with "He Who Gets Slapped," a 1924 silent film with quite the cast -- Cheney, Gilbert, Shearer.  I liked it (at least I could read the subtitles!) though the plot was a little odd... anyways, this gets me to 687 on the list.  Obviously, I need to play around on youtube to try and round off that list...

Off work today, so I was... well, I went to the gym.  Did some reading.  Did some cleaning.  Played around on line and went through some stuff (Mattie has a lot of paperwork to do, and online paperwork is still paperwork), and... well, I don't know... I mean, it's nice and all, and I do need to decompress and handle petty crap.  On the other hand...  I feel like I should be doing more shit, like working out (gotta burn those calories) or something grander.  I realizs in a few days this will all be naught due to the other crap, but...


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