Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sadness envelops me

Had OC duty yesterday, and it was a zoo.  Mind you, a good zoo; we closed on time, the crazies were benevolent, and the usual scammers were able to put in their place.  We had record crowds last week, and I heard some of the people were...charming.  Aside from the inabilty to supply free turkeys -- it's been a decade since we have, at least -- it was...fine? 

The downside was we all know, I love going to those ethnic fests, so I went up Broadway to the Czech Holiday Fest at their cultural center... It was... not good?  No parking (ok...) and the food line was...a hot mess, so I got takeout for Mom and I (to be a good son).  When I got was stone cold. My Mom called and...that's how they send it out!  We were...incredulous, to put it mildly.  Plus, it wasn't that good (after we heated it), which to me was... odd?  I mean, most of the time, you go to these things, and it is pretty good, as it may not be the old ladies doing the cooking, if you get my drift, but...their influences are there.
Much as I sometimes wonder what the hell has happened to my GOP, I often wonder what the hell is going on with the Church... I mean, we can say the liberals ruined it, and that is always true, but I think that everyone is at fault here.  I know I am not being completely literal when I say the solution is to hang people, but...
I don't ever want to hear about Democrats being the party of women again.  In the meantime, I can only imagine how the PD is going to ask Frank Jackson about this one...  because...
I realize this is a Democratic town, but...maybe this explains why their circulation is dropping, too...


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