Saturday, January 12, 2019

Cooking again!

Long and interesting week; so much so that I went to bed sort of early last night and I intend to do so again.  I cooked again -- halushki, this time.  It was... pretty good, if I do say so myself; I think adding a little extra butter was the key, though if I make it again, I will use kitchen scissors on the cabbage to get it nice and small.  The only downside is the cleanup, but I guess if you have enough leftovers, it probably pays for itself, work-wise...
I saw this a few days ago, and I was like...good?  I mean, I don't think all of Obama's policies were foolish or unwise, but those that were were carried to the fullest.  Mind you, I don't think all of Trump's policies are that wise and intelligent, either.  But I also suspect that Obama's were based on this illusion that all would be well if, like Isaiah, we all sat down and reasoned together.  But in that part of the world, reason is not the language of most of the people...
  I don't know... I told my godsons that when I was in school, many moons ago... if you knew a girl who was out and had too many and wasn't exactly safe... well, it was considered perfectly acceptable to escort her home and see that was safe and unmolested in her bed (without you in it, of course)... now of course, I wouldn't suggest it, because unless you had multiple witnesses.. she could accuse you of anything she wanted and you'd be guilty without even a trial.  (Plus, as a feminist, it is deeply offensive to suggest that a woman would need help, especially from a man...)  Now, I am certainly NOT a fan of this sort of thing, but this is where things stand now, and the bed, once made, must be laid in, like it or not.


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