Sunday, January 06, 2019

Mattie cooks

If this is true (and my perpetual skepticism is always in play)...well, this is sort of funny, isn't it?

So, I made cabbage soup today... I had gotten some cabbage, and, well, what does one do with it?  So, I went to the parish cookbook, found a couple of recipes...this one is pretty good, actually; I may have put a bit too much pepper in it, but that is on me.  It wasn;t that hard, actually; I mean, you had to do some prep work and cutting, but stirring and mixing everything in was... not that bad.  And then it cooks.  Genius, I tell you.  I didn't realize there was sooo much soup, so my plan to make haluski is now gone by the board.  Alas.

The Tribe added a catcher today...interesting?  I mean, I think Perez gets the job and most of the starts, the number contingent on his hitting.  Piawecki prolly moves ahead of Haase, though I do not think that is written in stone.  Heck, one good spring training by anyone can really move the needle, I think, moreso than in any other spring training battle.


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