Sunday, November 29, 2020

Catching Up

 Operation Democrat weekend (ok, I went to Mass, so it's not) continues... ok, not true. I've done stuff, just nothing major...  yesterday I went to the mall as my gym shoes finally collapsed (ouch on the price, but if these last five years...). The idea of going to South Park, finding a space (many spaces!) and just walking around, with little trouble or bothers, on Black Saturday...inconceivable.  There were people walking around, just not a lot...odd, very odd.

I finished The Rise and Fall of the American Whig Party finally; truthfully, I will miss it, as it was an interesting read, much like a silent film, a glimpse at a world trapped in amber...I am now on to Chaput's Strangers in a Strange Land, a completely different read but quite good. Also, in its own way, a world trapped in amber...

Took a 2.5-hour nap today, so obviously I needed the sleep...the problem of course is now I am just not that tired... I will try to crash a bit earlier though, simply out of prudence...

I finally listened to know, for all the contretemps about the speech, I thought it was...balanced? I know I am somewhat dispassionate about these things, but I thought he was being more than fair when discussing the obvious tension between civil liberties, just that as a is more aware of the tension... at least that was my take.


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