Friday, November 27, 2020

Food Comatose

 So...yesterday, I made Thanksgiving Dinner (not including the prep time).  I have to admit, I was quite pleased to have opened the oven door and saw that the turkey was cooking...  Actually, it came out pretty well. The turkey took longer to cook than expected (prolly left it in too long, a tad dry) but it was pretty good.  The sides -- corn casserole, cranberries, candied yams -- I nailed.  Brining the turkey did add to the flavor.  I have a whole turkey to cut and freeze, and will have more dishes...but I think I could do it again if I could, and in some ways it would be easier, as I know how to improve...

When even the New Republic admits the President was good for lower economic quintiles...

I remember Jesse Helms; loved him, even have a shirt with him... as I used to tell a certain ex-fiancee of mine, for all the kvetching about his social positions, he was spot-on on many other things the left would rather not discuss...

I am shocked, shocked by the sexism show by the teachers' unions in demanding that instruction be entirely remote for the rest of the year...  More seriously, I wonder why more parents aren't being more active in trying to get their kids in the classroom at least part of the time...


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