Monday, November 16, 2020


On the one hand, I was incredibly productive at work -- blogging, emailing, writing PR, getting stuff ready for tomorrow, saving old and useful stuff for the network - but I didn't get anything done on my work list.  Alas, there is tomorrow...  hit the gym twice today, and hard, especially with the cardio, which is probably good.  I also crossed the 500 page mark of the Whig book, which is an accomplishment, given that a good deal of it is state-by-state looks at the party, which was...rather fragmented.
Interesting, and I liked the comment about our system of private health care and socialized mortgages...
This is a big story, and only the non-concession (and the leftie press view) is keeping it hidden.  For all the faults of Trump, you can't do this here; he had coattails.  I think the candidates helped -- female and moderate -- and so did the opposition, but Trump certainly got his voters to the polls, and in those areas that suffered GOP erosion in 2018, he won those seats back.

I saved the link to this speech; need to listen to it when I have a free and uninterrupted hour...

In other news, sad news about Clevinger... I liked the guy, as I told one of the youngsters at work, the track record from two TJ surgeries is... not good.


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