Saturday, November 14, 2020


 Hilariousness last night; I was tired at about 11, so I made a cup of coffee.  I was half done with it, when I laid down on the bed, putting the cup to my left, and started to read.  Of course, I nodded off (I need to stop this), and an hour later, I woke up.  I tried to pull the comforter over me, and of course, I upset the coffee cup, spilling cold coffee on me, the comforter, and the sheet...mind you, I am out of detergent, so after cleaning up the mess, I put it in a pile and this morning took it to Mom's to launder while I hit the gym.  Words could not describe the awesome.

So, a brief hiatus from the blog, but back now... last nite I did some reading -- up to 426 on the book, discussing the assembly of Taylor's cabinet.  Thursday night I watched "The Way Back," starring Ben Affleck as high school hoops star who walks away from the game, loses kid to cancer, loses wife, and engages in self-destructive behavior... and then is called to coach his alma mater.  I liked it; didn't quite like the ending, but I think it was the ending the movie had to have.  I do like sports films; not sure why, maybe my ultra-competitive nature.

I've been lazy lately; have a bunch of things to do and take care...part of it is because I have been reading and catching up on stuff online, which is important, but there is also stuff of the world to do as well.  I think I need to starting making to-do lists (as I often do) and then ust do them; I often but not always good at that sort of thing, but once on the list, on paper, I tend to get all anal-retentive and start crossing them off...


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