Monday, August 23, 2021

Catching Up

 Had to stay up (ok, not really) to make sure my new sensor was working properly; it is, and now I can;t sleep, although I think yesterday's nap may have had something to do with it.   I did hit the gym twice today -- legs at night, cardio twice -- which was good, as I needed it, and there is no reason that I cannot get more of it done this week and the next ones...  didn't watch any more films, though I could have... three days of movies in a row is a bit much, even for me.  I did weed-whack tonight; sort of a pain, glad to get it done.  My string trimmer cord...the reel is almost exhausted.  I guess one notices it is not there after an intensive session, but to see it completely gone...odd.

I realized today that I should have gone on one of my many restaurant visits this weekend; no reason not to, as the list isn;t getting any smaller, and while I have plenty of expenses to consider, it probably wouldn't hurt to give myself a treat, either.  September and October are going to be super busy, like it or not, so this will have to serve as my quiet time...

I am reading Gordon's The Rise and Fall of American Growth, and as you can imagine, I find it fascinating, even if I am only a quarter of the way through.  The basic premise is that growth accelerated rapidly, say, before WWII, because the gains in productivity from say, candles and whale oil to electricity, or train and car from horse, were so much more -- and in many ways undercounted in the economic statistics -- that what came after was, in most cases (the Internet and the computer, medicine among them), not nearly as game-changing.  Also, much of the South was simply that much more behind the US, so as it caught up...

And, now, I guess, they have!


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