Sunday, August 15, 2021


 Well, that was an unpleasant day for the Biden Administration.  Again, to use my favorite phrase, if the GOP had any brains, they would be running ads about this. I've already declared "Saigon Joe" to be acceptable, but the fact of the matter is that this is a disaster for the US, no matter how you phrase it, and they need to be called to the carpet for it.

Speaking of not being called to the carpet:

Now, again, if the GOP had any brains, they would be the ones going after them and attacking them; I mean, the knives have to be out (now) when they are down. Indeed, one could say that this is time, as their creditibility -- in so far as they have any -- is shot.  I mean, can you imagine Ted Cruz or Lindsay Graham with someone like...Brian Stelzer?  Chris Cuomo?  The blood would run from the walls for days; it's good PR, and of course, we are in the clear. Oi.

So, who expected that from Triston McKenzie?  Not I, for one, though truthfully he, like Cal Quantrill, has pitched much better as of late.  To be sure, he was simply dealing, stuff-wise, but he didn't nibble like he often did and attacked hitters, always good things.  And the offense; hell, even Austin Hedges had RBIs, which is generally a sign to bring in a new pitcher...


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