Monday, October 24, 2022

A Sense of Progress

I haven't listened to any of my Radiohead CDs in a while...funny; back in the college days, and after, I loved them.  Now... I mean I guess I still do, and if I immersed myself in them, I am sure they would somehow speak to me again, but not quite in the same way...  I also should probably read The Divine Comedy (even the thirty-three layers of perfection at the end), because, well, that is what civilized people do.  I did finish a book yesterday about the Vicksburg campaign.  It was...ok.  Written by a Southerner and he wrote from that perspective (admitted in the preface).  At times he was interesting (defending John Pemberton's generalship, made some points), at others...he doth protest too much.  Plus, of course, to assume the hated Yankees of bad things while defending Slave Power (to use the period term) is...well, amusing, I would say.  Alas.  36.

I will be able to get more reading done as they cannot take the car til Thursday.  Oi.  To be sure, I can be here for a few days, no problem...heck, I have had more time to read and watch movies.  Yesterday I watched three; one a documentary about the archaeology of the pre-Clovis peoples (i.e., where did all these people come from?).  Next was "The Myth of the American Sleepover," a charming coming-of-age tale.  I liked it; always had a soft spot for these films, mainly because I always wonder why wasn't I running around and having fun.  Finally I watched "American Animals," a story about four people who tried to rob a college of some of their rare books...and how they had a good plan, until, of course, they didn't.  Not that I was rooting for them, but it was interesting to see how they felt it could work.  It was fairly compelling, I will give you that.

Funny; I cleaned out 95% of my emails yesterday.  I mean, I was trying to, and I succeeded, so that is good, but the inbox looks slightly bare.  Still more I could handle, but they are more of the long-term project.  I guess I was just proud of myself for plowing through and handling things, even if they were of modest import.  This same spirit has moved me at work, as I cleaned out some emails, handled some bookmarks, and did a couple of things on my to-do list as a break for my long-term project.

I think this is exactly right.  This could be me, but this could be a thing for Republicans to go over; corporate profits are high, we are paying for them, and the GOP could indeed say "This is enough" and threaten to raise corporate taxes or so -- offering cuts for taxpayers, threaten hearings, or do the other things Congress can "do."  I am not surprised that they aren't, but I would love my newly populist party more if they crossed the Rubicon on this.


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