Saturday, October 15, 2022


Last night I went to a technical death metal concert -- the headliner band was Revocation.  My good friend Nick is a fan of the genre, wanted to go, and you know me -- I love to try new things -- and off we went.  After dinner at Momocho was cancelled due to the immense crowd (should have thought of that) we ended up dining at Hola Tacos in Lakewood (quite good, actually!) and then hoofed it to No Class... which was about right.  Basically it's a bar with an attached empty area for a stage.  It was odd; we arrived between bands one and two, and there is no backstage or anything; the crowd parted or went outside for a smoke and the departing band took their stuff off the stage (by themselves) and then the next band came and set up.  Very minor leagues of music...and these bands literally play every day.  Being econ nerds, the two of us made some...depressing calculations as to how much these guys actually make.

The show itself was...interesting?  Loud, for one.  Brought earplugs, didn't use them, but maybe I should have, as my ears were ringing a bit after.  I had heard that the lyrics are secondary to the music -- all about the guitar riffs and all -- which is good, as some of them were a bit...Satanic.  (Insert Church Lady reference here.)  I wasn't sure how much was an act and how much was real, but it was...odd.  If I fall down the choir loft steps tomorrow and break my neck, we will know God was not pleased.  I tried to listen to the bands before I arrived, so I had some idea of what I was getting into... I also think I was the only person there without any ink or piercings.

But it was fun...and I maybe would go again.  

This, as you can imagine, amuses me.  Every other time people complain about this sort of thing they are portrayed as Christian wingnuts, and now, when the Muslims are involved...well, people get a little circumspect about that sort of thing.  It's been pointed out on the right side of the Internet, but no one is asking the press about it, and they should...


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