Tuesday, October 04, 2022


 Quite the day today... woke up early to virtually attend a sustainable agriculture symposium, which was interesting; had to take a lot of notes, which I did by typing, instead of writing, and I was glad I did, and there ended up being a lot of content.  There were several more meetings today, as we are starting new stuff, and I even managed to finish a project.  And all was good.

Until, of course, I went downstairs to get something, and stepped in a trail of water...which I soon tracked to the hot water heater, which was leaking.  Oi.  It's quite old, and a call to the plumber revealed that it will have to be replaced (a permit has to be pulled, too), and while this is fine -- shit breaks, it gets fixed or replaced -- I immediately sighed.  I mean, I have been very assiduous at paying some debt down, and... this is an expense that blows a hole in that plan.  To be sure, it's manageable, and I need to do it, but... I think we all know how I feel about spending money, no matter the cause.

Tonight I trucked out to Solon to meet the SVDP Conference at St. Rita's.  One, I had not been out there, and while it is sort of far, it's all highway, and then you are in Solon, which is... well, it's not quite Hudson, but it's damn close.  Two, I knew all of the people there, from my work at the OC, but it was still good to meet everyone officially as East District President.  Lots of good questions, asking about their ministry, future plans, that sort of thing.  I have only two more conferences to go, and that will be difficult -- no one seems to want to meet, for a variety of reasons -- but I will not stop trying.


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