Bros and Vehicular Hos
I realized something else about the new WiFi set up today. Namely I don't have to work in my cold bedroom in the winter; rather, I can work anywhere in the house -- such as the dining room, or under a blanket in the living room -- and I can still be connected to the world. And it will be glorious.
In other news, this amused me immensely:
I don't know...most men won't watch rom-coms unless they have to (I can't recall the last one I have seen, and I have probably seen a bunch by my need to go through the NFR), and they certainly wouldn't see one about gay men. I also suspect -- strongly -- that a lot of women don't want to see one about two men falling in love (ditto for lesbians). So, this men? Assuming 4% of the population is LGBT, half will be gay, so... maybe six million people to watch a movie? So, at $10 a ticket -- most likely $15, given where the LGBT community lives -- that gives us... 320,000 tickets? So, five percent of all gay men watched "Bros." And the community is bitching about it. I mean, who did they think would watch it? Oi.
It's the one-year anniversary of "Let's Go Brandon," and I have to admit... it's still funny as hell.
I had my haircut in Lakewood today, and... people out there drive like crap, by which I mean the East Side. I don't how many times I came close to seeing brush the Behemoth, four cars double-parked in the lot and elsewhere, and my trip to DQ to get a Blizzard (low blood sugar) was delicious but almost coronary-inducing. I realize they are Hope and Changers, and could use a good dose of the Let's Go Brandon spirit, but for a while there I thought I was back on Mayfield or 271.
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