Wednesday, October 12, 2022

To The West Side

 Is it me, or is the story out of LA and their City Council...hilarious?  I mean, I suspect a good share of political talk behind closed doors is exactly like that (well, maybe not now). Certainly people talk that way about their rivals in real life all the time -- I say worse about Democrats and UNC fans (among others) before I go to the bathroom first thing in the morning, quite honestly.  Of course, that these are Democrats (and POCs) slamming other minorities is simply the icing on the cake.  I sort of hope the Ron DeSantis people would run ads in CA about this, just because they can.

Good day and night today... went to the other (but good) side of town to my friend's house to order my Boy Scout popcorn.  Only, of course, to support the Scouts, and not because I could polish off the entire bag in one joyous but ultimately regretful setting.  I arrived there and was immediately reminded why I do not have pets and why no one will ever nominate me for Mr. Sensitivity.  But it was good to see Andy, Diana, and Jack, even if I am...corrosive to good child-rearing practice.  Then it was off to the mall to buy a new wallet.  My old one died and I found one, but... it was one for people who don't use cash, which, of course does not describe me.  So after two days of that experiment...  

Then the evening took a foul turn.  When in Westgate, one hits the Chick-Fil-A; it is election season, and as every time I eat there, a Democrat dies, and we need to eliminate as many voters as we can.  This, of course, is not true, as Democrats vote for decades after they die.  Anyways, you can imagine my horror when I saw that the place is closed for renovations!  I had visions of hate nuggets and Nancy Pelosi's legs poking out from under a house.  Alas.

Since I was there, I decided to hit the local Fitworks.  I always like going there; it's big and roomy, plenty of machines, and the place is full of hotties (including some of the women, ha!).  This is largely good, as who doesn't like eye candy, but seeing all these well-chiseled physiques and people who could kick my ass without breaking a sweat (including all of the women) is not exactly good for morale.  Anyways, it was back and shoulders today, not sure that wise, as I am still a but sorer than I would like to admit, but the workout was good and I rode the bike some (getting through 40 pages of Cultural Amnesia, which continues to hold my interest, despite the length).

Former poker player dominates on Jeopardy!  Yawn.  :)  More seriously, the TOC starts next week, and it is always one of my favorite times of the year, for a bunch of reasons...


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