Wednesday, October 26, 2022


 Continuing my trend of First World problems, the cable in my living room is not working.  Gr.  I suspect it is a cable connection issue, as the TV works (I watched a movie yesterday, you know).  I will try and have it reset tomorrow; if not, I have to call.  Oi.  At least the truck will be taken in tomorrow, and hopefully returned the same day...  In other news, surprisingly, the arborists came today -- ahead of schedule -- and removed the problem trees in the back.  (awaiting the invoice, sigh)  So at least that problem is fixed.  In mixed medical trading, my reimbursements are coming in, but my prior authorization for a new prescription was denied, so I have to figure out Plan B.  Oi.

We had our quarterly Board Presidents meeting today for SVDP.  I represented the East (remotely) and I think it went rather well.  I always have a shitload of stuff to do after these meetings -- follow up questions, stuff to communicate to the parishes in the District (and the OC), ideas I want to suggest, and places I want to try and get to to see how they operate.  This is good, mainly, provided I get to everything, and of course not all of my ideas are good, or practical.  But we try.

I watched the PA Senate debate this morning, and... it's painful.  I mean, it's a serious question, but one that needs to be discussed; Fetterman clearly is not capable of running, much less being, a Senator now, and while he is improving...he has a long way to go.  The fracking thing was a gaffe, though I suspect he would have made it if he had been in perfect health.  I am not sure why anyone thought this was a good idea to have him debate, or, for that matter, to complete his run.  Not that Dr. Oz is the strongest candidate, but...I would say he is improving.  It does seem he is learning the issues, making a case for himself, and he -- unlike candidates in other states (ahem) -- has been campaigning since Day One.  Let's hope this debate can push him over.


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