Hustle and Bustle
I should go to bed like, now, but I won't...stayed up to watch "Gutfeld" and their take on the PA Senate debate, and the whole show was...hilarious, so it was after twelve when I went to bed, and then I woke up at 1:45 and couldn't go back to sleep. Oi. This was sad, because today was...busy if not borderline stressful. My car did NOT start, so it had to be towed to the auto shop. Alas. turned out it was just a battery -- cheaper than what I expected -- and once I reset the display settings, the Behemoth was as good as new. Phew.
The rest of my day...well, work was fine. My aunt canceled Turkey Day -- a bunch of reasons, all of them valid, and the savings on the canceled hotel room paid for the battery -- but that was sort of sad, as I do like it -- seeing family, my aunt puts out a masterful spread, and I was looking forward to getting away for a bit. I can, of course, make my own bird, and I sort of know how... I told my sister I could really make Mom spin if I went somewhere and helped serve meals or something.
Next, it was devolved on me to find insurance for the van the OC is (finally) buying. Mind you, the travails of this purchase are enough to drive me to drink, but that is another post. Anyways...on my breaks (or on hold) I was able to line up quotes, get the van details, that sort of thing... I managed to largely line up a contender for tomorrow; just need a few more details, and if all goes well I can go on lunch and handle everything. It wasn't that bad once I got down to it, but...I just love surprises and I think I prefer things...uncomplicated.
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