Monday, November 28, 2022


Busy couple of days... mainly hanging out with my best friend from high school and his family; I guess the kids think I am a riot, or a mark (probably both).  Played a bunch of games -- One Night Werewolf, Grand Dumanji, Exploding Kittens, all of which were surprisingly fun... I would like to think I got the hang of them fairly quickly, or at least quick enough.  And it is good to see old friends -- some of whom have moved back to town.  Even if I missed blogging for an evening...

On the one hand, it was sort of hard to get back to work today, but on the other...I have a few things to do, and I just stepped in and plowed through, and it was...fairly glorious?  I mean, I want to get stuff done ahead of time, for a bunch of reasons, and no one seems to mind that.  Funny, there are always other little things to do as well...they just fall into place now.  I just realized today that the end of the month is approaching; hard to believe it will be December and winter again.  Joy.

I was amused by the handwringing about Hugh Freeze getting hired at Auburn.  First, of course, the SEC is hardly the bastion of moral paragons of coaching.  Second, Auburn -- having made a poor hire with Harsin -- needed to make a good one, and Freeze does seem to fit the bill.  Third... this could be me, but at some point...the cloud has to go away, right?  I mean, the man has avoided scandal at Liberty (which seems to be a rare thing around there these days) and is a good coach, so... at some point, some people do deserve a second chance.


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