Wednesday, November 23, 2022


 The day had a nice Friday feel to it... on the one hand, it dragged as you wanted the work day to be over, and on the other...I got a lot of little things done (always nice) and started a big project.  I also made a seven-layer jello for a family fest this weekend.  That, too, dragged; not sure why, aside from the fact that I wanted to be sure that everything set.  I didn't use the usual sour cream in the middle white layers, which may explain why they didn't seem to set as well as it generally does.  Ugh.  I am sure the family will like it, but I am not sure...

One other thing I noted was that my blood sugar was low all day.  This is not a bad thing, but I would prefer it to be tomorrow, when I will be wanting to put away food guilt-free (sort of; I will still feel like a fat ass).  I didn't do all of the stuff I wanted to tonight (while jello making) so there is always tomorrow... alas.  Hell, my plans to conquer the laundry pile and wash a few blankets (take advantage of the now-mild weather) went completely to pot, and that is exactly the thing that can be done while layers are settling in the fridge.  I am appalled by my own laziness.

One thing I did do was finish a book -- 40 for the year, about the experience of US soldiers, sailors, and aircrew in the Pacific in WW2.  The author looked at all sorts of things -- boredom, nature, etc.  -- and the result was that only the last third discussed combat.  This was quite good, and certainly different.  I guess it was good just to take a few hours and cross something off the reading list...


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