Wednesday, November 09, 2022


 Well, that was...disappointing.  The red wave didn't happen; indeed, right now it is more of a trickle, as House races are slowly decided and the votes trickle in in NV and AZ.  Honestly... if I lived in Georgia now, I would move.  I couldn't imagine another month of ads.  I wonder why they came up with this system; I bet no one imagined this set up, but I am not sure that two elections in a row is any better.  To be sure... the GOP will probably win the House, Vance won in OH, there is a chance for a GOP Senate, and Ron DeSantis won big.

I guess the main lesson for the GOP -- among many -- is that candidates matter.  That, I think, caused us many a loss; abortion, to be sure, was more of an issue that I thought it would be, but simply put, many of the people we selected were...not so good.  And, as several have noted, these were Trump's picks.  Of course, as many have noted, he will learn nothing from this, and neither will many GOP voters, but... well, maybe more of the party actors will think it best to move on.  That would be the accountability that many in the GOP would want.  Honestly... I think there are more out there than one thinks; the chants of "two more years" at the DeSantis speech were pretty funny, and indicative of what people are thinking.  He has a big war chest, a record, and of course, that BDE.

In somewhat happier news, I finished book 37 yesterday:  Beans, Bullets, and Black Oil, which was a look at the logistics of the US Navy in WWII.  Concentrated on the Pacific, it looked at how we supplied the fleets and men that fought the Japanese.  It was... impressive, not only because I like the stuff, but just the immense quantity of material that had to be sent -- and sent -- just to keep ships fueled and men fed.  That and how planners continually underestimated the needs for a campaign.  I am not surprised, but it seemed that for every operation, what was budgeted for ammo, food, etc., was never enough.  

The next four books in the pile are quite thick, so my plan for 50, then 40 books, peril.  Alas.


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