Monday, November 07, 2022


 I had planned on staying in tonight, but a friend texted me and invited me to dinner, so... off I went to Gordon Square, to Ninja City.... it was pretty good (especially because he treated, for once).  Chicken pad thai, always a solid choice.  Then we meandered and talked... as always, I am the fount of useful advice about life and relationships, obviously because I am so good at them.  But it was good to escape for a bit and just to be out and have adult conversation.  To be sure, I missed the the Duke opener -- the Sacrament of Duke basketball should not be missed, even if my dinner companion granted me the indulgence of periodically checking my phone.  Such are the sacrifices of friendship.

I guess it is now Election Day, and I intend to get up and vote as soon as I can.  I do like the actual process of going to the polls and doing one's civic duty, even if it allows the locals plenty of time to use my GOP ballot as toilet paper or whatever Dems do.  Can we retake the Senate?  Can Vance win what he was expected to do?  All eyes will be on PA, GA, NV; even WI.  It is exciting, and I do love all of this, but... it will be a long night in many ways.  Hell, I would love a win in NH, given that the Dems put their finger on the scale there.  I only hope we can do the same in 2024; not that anyone will primary Wifebeater Brown, but...Joe Manchin?  Hilarious.

This, as you can imagine, amused me, as -- and they even discussed abortion -- that if one side can declare some people (children) to be non-people and subject to the most basic of violence (abortion), the other side, can, technically, do the same...

This is...fine?  As I have often said, I, for one, will be glad to see the end of the Thurston Howell wing of the party, and I realize the next few years will be messy, but we will be a stronger party in the end.


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