Sunday, October 30, 2022

Lazy Sunday

 My streak of blogging yesterday ended for reasons, but that was fine... OC duty in the AM.  For the fifth Saturday of the month, it was busier than we expected (to be sure about 15 or so people were those who came thinking this is November already; we just gave them produce).  We did get rid of all the perishables, rotated some stock, and pushed some clothes and garage sale crap.  This was fine; there were a lot of pain in the ass clients...we had some bakery and candy apples (for the kids), and you would have thought they were made of platinum.  I sort of wish we wouldn't pick them up...I know they are free, but...oi.  I am one of the co-managers for November, and it will be busy, due to the compressed month (off for the holidays), people wanting turkeys (good luck), and people tend to notice budgets are short.  Alas.

This is a looong read, but it is good... and informative.  But a but too much of both?  I mean, three or parts would have been more...manageable. 

Today was the annual "selling of the food (and drink) remnants from the Polish Festival," and I was graciously invited to help out.  I did, after the Sunday Masses, and I was pleasantly surprised with how much sold.  All of the potato pancakes, czarnina, and stuffed cabbage went; the last one were in $60 trays of 25 each.  We had about 12, and they all sold today.  Lots of pierogi and booze, as well.  Now, to be sure, future sales will be less lucrative (save for the booze), as we mainly have pierogi left, but a few extra dollars for the Festival is not bad, and it cleans out the parish freezers...I picked up a bag of kielbasa and some cheese pierogi, and might buy more at the future events...


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