Saturday, November 12, 2022

Lazy Saturday

 OC duty today, and as expected, it was...busy.  Not exactly a zoo, but the count was 141, which was quite high; not a record, but definitely above average.  Save for a box of squash (imagine that), we gave away all of the produce, all of the baked goods, and about half of the frozen meat.  Canned goods took a huge hit as well.  We set up the second computer to accommodate the demand and a volunteer who prefers that, so... it worked rather well.  No IDs were lost and it did speed up the line; I tried to keep only produce (and not bakery) on the outdoors table to prevent people from clumping up, and while that did not last, the spirit of the plan was largely kept, so... people got in and out quickly.  Phew.

I broke down and ordered for myself a portable DVD player, at least to prevent the Netflix stuff from piling up.  As for the DVD/VCR combo...not sure.  I could, of course, buy one -- they are out there, and I could theoretically install it myself -- but I may hold off for now; too busy to watch too much, and I do want to economize a bit before the say nothing of the fact that I have a HELOC I want to pay off to start the next project.  Actually, I have been considering getting new carpeting -- bathroom be damned -- as I think I want a change.  Heady times at Chateau Mattie.

Interesting; I love shit like this (only the Boston Review could forget that it was William F. Buckley who said he would rather be governed by the first 100 people in the phone book than the Harvard alumni directory) and I think it could work, or at least better than the current system.  Of course, a lottery isn't technically representative; a political party, in theory, is supported by its members who technically believe in many/all of its principles.  A bunch of randos, of course, are not actually supported by anyone.

Interesting, and the more I ponder this...correct.  Funny; a couple of days ago, myself and one of the FunRunners were helping a friend move crap, and while discussing the election...the movee noted that if all these women -- despite the surging inflation which largely falls on them the most -- went out and voted for Dems because of abortion, that was just horribly selfish of them, and the species in general.  As you can imagine, we had a field day with this one, asking him how he had managed 40 plus years of like without managing to ever talk, much less date, a woman.  (His wife was especially amused.)  But...he wasn't wrong, and as the page above notes, eventually there will be a reckoning, even if this is a problem along the lines of OSU Hires Urban Meyer...


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