Sunday, May 07, 2023

Catching Up

 Busy weekend, which explains the radio silence.  Food pantry duty Saturday, and it was quite a zoo; people were lined up even before I arrived (an hour before we were officially supposed to be open).  I asked them if they jobs or lives (the first amused me, of course) for why else would they be here, but the joke went over their heads.  Anyways, we had a line -- and a long one -- until 11:30, and even then we had plenty of stragglers.  At least we were able to get rid of all the produce, the bread, and any random stuff, which in turn allowed us to wipe down tables and shelves, consolidate freezers, etc.  It was a nice day, and considering that I had a wedding that afternoon and evening, I fully anticipated a full crowd.  Alas.  

Anyways, the wedding was lovely, if long, and it was good to catch up with friends, miss the Kentucky Derby, etc.  Long day, so I was quite the sleepy boy today.  Indeed, I forgot my pyx this morning, so I had to borrow one from the sacristy (I hate that sort of thing!).  Mass was quite nice -- good homily, the Easter season music schedule -- and I completely forgot that it was coffee and donuts Sunday, so there was that.  I had two cups of coffee while noshing and bsing.  I had a little bit of time, because at 11 I was supposed to go to St. Adalbert's -- on the East Side -- to attend the opening of their new food pantry.

Unfortunately, they decided to delay the opening, so... I attended Mass; it's a nice church, not St. Stan's nice, but nice enough.  Was a Bohemian parish, but with white flight, it is now an African-American one, and, aside from the priest, I was the only Caucasian there.  This was largely fine; I knew some of the people already from SVDP stuff, and was introduced to some more (plenty of hugs).  The only downside was when, at the end of Mass, they invited me up -- as a first-time visitor -- for a blessing; I tried to deny it, but there I was...  Anyways, after Mass, they had a community meal, so I gladly volunteered to help serve, which was more than gladly accepted, for a bunch of reasons.

And it was nice; I am no extrovert, but everyone was friendly, I gave them my spiel, they told me about the plans for the food pantry, and everyone appreciated that I helped clean up.  Then it was home, where I finally got around to catching up on stuff -- emails answered and read, grants applied for, paperwork filed, that sort of thing.  I am somewhat pleased to note that the email box is a good deal lighter...

Workers can't afford housing, so some companies are building it : NPR

I rather like this; this will not fully end the housing crisis, but anything that puts moderately affordable housing on the market is a good thing...

(2) How the White Working Class Could Sink the Democrats…Again (

Wouldn't that be nice?  I am not sure that is the case; maybe, but... possibly.  The economy is a big issue, and if things continue as they are... working class voters may continue to feel that they are being squeezed, and if that is the case...


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