The Double Take
I went to bed promptly at 11 last night, which was followed by my not sleeping and then waking up in the middle of the night with low blood sugar. Sigh. Top it off, I woke up and m back was sore and tight, as it has been all day. Oi. But, I did hit the gym twice (only one cardio though) and finished the book I was reading -- 36 -- which was quite enough, I guess. I also took an early lunch and cut the grass, to be followed by the weed-whacking tomorrow, I hope. It does look better, or at least shorter; all the while I kept thinking that June is nearly over. Summer is certainly fleeting. It was my TV night -- new Dr. Pimple Popper -- so other chores were put off, which was probably a bad idea. I did have a lot of little things to do for work -- received a new project yesterday which will require some research -- and, as odd as this sounds, it also tired me out; all those dead ends are somewhat deflating, honestly.
I hit the library after the gym this evening and picked up the book order; some of them are quite thick! I joked with a friend that I was sabotaging my effort to read 50 books this year; I mean, I will still make it, but it will take a while to get through some of them, unless I really put some extra time into reading. I did so this evening, making sure to read on commercial breaks and boring parts of the TV. I definitely need to continue that, not that I will achieve some great progress, but I won't make any progress if I don't find a way to sneak a few pages in here and there.
Federal Policy on Homelessness Becomes New Target of the Right - The New York Times (
Interesting in that I see both approaches; yes, getting the homeless into homes is good, but if we are not actually getting them clean, sober, and employed -- as the article seems to imply that it is mixed -- then there are plenty of other people who deserve free housing, aren't there? I guess, as always, we need a bit more housing built, but I can't see that happening anytime soon. Sigh.
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