Monday, November 06, 2023


 Busy weekend, as evinced by the lack of posting.  Food pantry duty Saturday, and it was a zoo; the count was 179, and if it was not a record, it was damn close.  We were open and serving at 8:30, and the last client was served at 11:59.  I must confess that I was relieved by the sound of the church bells sounding noon.  Funny; it was extremely busy but not a shitshow; most of the problem clients were on good behavior or stayed away.  That was good!  We had blankets -- 500 -- and most wanted them; in some ways this drove up the count, as people found out we had them and of course they showed up.  This may drive up the count the rest of the month, and if we run out... we do.  We ran out of most produce (the ubiquitous squash are still there) and bread (also good), and the meat supplies were severely dented.  We expect plenty more the rest of the month.  Sigh.

Yesterday I was at a Baptism -- yay -- and I was fascinated by how many people fawned over the baby.  I mean, I certainly held the boy, but.. do we really want people (family or not) slobbering over a kid?  I know COVID is only sort of a thing, and I am something of a risk-averse person, seems a bit odd to me, even now.

I was working from home today and I was fascinated (and surprised) to discover that the Moms For Liberty were campaigning in my neighborhood for Issue 1 and our local school board candidates (races to which I generally pay but modest attention).  They were quite nice, and I was more than happy to take their panoply of campaign literature, even if they will all go into the recycle bin tomorrow.  As I often say, I do love this about elections in the US; most issues, even now, are still local, and pounding the shoe leather is the only way for a lot of these people and ideas to get their message out.


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