Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Merry-Go-Round

 Finally plowed all through the OC stuff I wanted to do tonight, as well as some other stuff, so now we can blog.  Very exciting.  More seriously, it was...fine?  It is adulting, I guess, and while I did not get to the laundry -- the pile can get a little taller -- we all know how I love a nice, cleanish, email inbox and the illusion and pretense of efficiency.  By that same process I did the dishes, though there are some things in the fridge I need to clean out, and that task I will defer until some later date (hopefully tomorrow). 

Three meetings at work today and three more tomorrow.  On the one hand this is good -- I am learning something, this is the job, and I am glad they think of me enough to include me in these things.  On the other, I am a man of action, and sitting through meetings... well, I will get used to it, and this too shall pass, moreso when I finish training and orientation and such.  

I am beginning to think that the House GOP should just put everyone's name in a hat, draw one, and simply anoint them the Speaker.  I think it would more logical than the current process, and at least at the end of it, we might just have a Speaker.  I realize that there is a certain logic to this process, but at the end of the day someone has to do the job, and it is beginning to resemble my dating process -- no one meets my criteria and then you realize you are consigned to solitude, as the options get worse as you go on.  :)

After the gym today I snuck out to Acme to try and get some things, and all of the stuff I wanted...was gone.  Oi.  Most unimpressive; it's one thing to see their prices go up, but not to have anything -- I would think that as these were sale items there should be some quantity available -- was incredibly frustrating.  It would have been less amusing had I not stopped at the Avon Aldi right after work for some low-tax shopping (I am beginning to love this) and gotten some other things.

There’s Never Been a Worse Time to Buy Instead of Rent - WSJ
This could be me, but this is a real issue, and one would think a GOPer -- any GOPer, at this pace -- would make haste to take advantage.  Yes, it is the Fed, but if the Oval Office can't at least jawbone for a change, shouldn't the opposition party do so?


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