A Life on Tilt
Dare I say it was a good weekend? Slept in a bit Saturday -- til about 9 --and I was able to catch up with a bunch of things, which was good. As I had -- for once -- nothing to do in the afternoon, I was able to watch 95% of the OSU-PSU game. Dare I say that I was not exactly impressed with either team? I mean, I think it is fair to say that OSU's defense won them that game, but I guess I have never really been impressed with the PSU offense -- their QBs are never as good as advertised, and there are times I wonder what on earth James Franklin is calling offensively.
Anyways, yesterday we had our first ever volunteer appreciation dinner for the OC... after Mass at Holy Name (only the second time I have been to Mass there) we had dinner in the hall. For all the hem-hawing and trepidation I have about these things, it was quite nice -- nifty charcuterie board, salad bar, and pasta station, with a cassata cake for dessert. Monsignor found a caterer and a donor, so...that was another plus. Anyways, the grub was good and it seemed everyone had a nice time (I even won a $15 Dunkin card as a door prize, which I will add to my pile, I am sure). Then it was off to my cousin's bday/poker party, where I arrived for the second card game. I came in third, had some grub, and had some nice family time, chatting and going down memory lane, that sort of thing. We did dawdle over the conversation, as by the time I went through the football scores, I hit the hay at 2. Oops.
I had entertained thoughts of Democrat Sunday and skipping Mass, but it was in memory of my parents, so... anyways, that was fine, and then my sister and I did breakfast at the Chimney, where we caught up and she mocked me for my Hawaiian shirts/collections/etc. Then gym, and then I spent the afternoon visiting friends in Lakewood/Edgewater; it was quite nice, but it was after 5 before I came home. One odd thing; none of the friends I saw are football fans, so I missed the Browns game; not that I care, but three separate households...no game. The whole Watson thing amuses me, mainly because as he has a mega-contract (and guaranteed), so he gets paid no matter what, so I wonder if there is something else going on...
The Great Cash-for-Carbon Hustle | The New Yorker
This was one of the most unintentionally hilarious things I have read in a while!
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