Sunday, October 15, 2023


 Two steps forward, one step back; I didn't sleep long -- or well -- last night.  I suspect I may have had too much sleep, which in turn affected my overall schedule.  I don't know; I felt -- and still do -- pretty decent today, with little of the exhaustion I usually have, and just two cups of coffee.  I will probably get to bed for 11, and if I can get 7 hours of sleep (6 good ones, maybe) I will be... feeling confident.  I mainly sat around, if you will, and did some work for my contract position, finishing a couple of small projects and working on a longer one, listening to a couple of podcasts, that sort of thing.  

I also spent a couple of hours at my friend's son's bday, where I was subjected to a Browns game...which they surprisingly one, much to the joy of all involved.  I guess no one was giving them a chance, with the 5-0 Niners in town and them using the #3 QB.  But, lo and behold, the non-24 QB and some stout D -- and a missed FG -- sent the home team out with a win.  I really do not care, but it is fascinating to see people literally crying over this.  And, a boy should see his favorite team win on his bday, right?

Teens Are Developing ‘Severe Gambling Problems’ as Online Betting Surges (
Are we really surprised by this?  Young people who have trouble with limits, understanding consequences, no sense of finances, not terribly risk averse or thinking of the future... I don't know; I have never been a fan of gambling, probably because I grew up around it, and while I understand the arguments for people who think it is good, I cannot help but think that the societal costs of this (to say nothing of the actual costs) more than outweigh it.  God forbid some economist goes and calculates this.

Funny; I was going through the paper pile on the kitchen table and found my master sheet of Pebble stuff; passwords, codes, health insurance and other important user names... all of it of course now completely irrelevant.  I felt badly consigning it to the recycle pile but I have a new career and life now... funny, while on the one hand I feel like I was royally screwed by being laid off, I truly loved my time there, loved the work and what we were doing, and hope they succeed...  In the meantime, I got my first paycheck from the new career, get to enroll in the health plan and such this week, and have my first company potluck... such is the march of progress.


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