Friday, September 29, 2023

The new mode

 Interesting about the death of Dianne Feinstein -- not that it happened, of course, but to think if it had happened last year, with the split Senate; in that case, we would now have a GOP Senate, and I can only imagine the shit he could have pulled in the short amount of time it would be in his hands.  I say short because now Gavin Newson can take his time and "discern" the best candidate -- and in CA politics, I can only imagine the demographic calculations there.  Last year, he would have to have hurried... interesting.  I am not a huge fan of what-if-ism, but...this would be cool.

You know, I have not slept long or well this week, and I have certainly been feeling it.  Not sure why; I mean, I suspect it is a mixture of nerves and excitement over the new career, but it is not good overall.  Here I am at midnight not ready for bed -- a lot of stuff to do, especially when I am not at home -- and there is just stuff that has not been done.  Alas.  I know if and when I return to the OC (and I am surprised I was not asked to come in tomorrow, but the day is young) there will be a pile of paperwork, and God forbid there are reimbursement requests.  But... the job is going ok -- lots of work and research, stuff to learn -- and the commute has been fine.  A bit long -- I need to think about gym switching as it is indeed slightly out of the way -- but not terrible; the worst is in the Lakewood/Cleveland area, where there are a lot of Hope and Changers and people drive like the East Side.  Surprisingly.  

Funny thing is, I have a lot of stuff to do this weekend, and need to figure out when and how to get it all done (or at least most of it).  I need to take a few minutes to plan this out (errands and stuff) but if I can get it all done tomorrow it will free up Sunday for other things.  Adulting is hard, and this is the new reality -- and will be -- for the immediate/long-term future.  But this is mostly good!

Up to book 55 -- and I need to pick up the pace; I have been caught up on filling out Games magazine that the book list and pile and increasing, and the rate at which they are disposed of...well, need to get hopping.  I don't think 75 is terribly possible but there is no way I shouldn't be able to get well past 60...


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