Pluses and minuses
Halloween today; funny, I asked a few friends if their kids were going out -- even with the weather -- and they were... a bit surprised that I would need to ask. I guess this is the downside of diabetes; I never really went trick-or-treating after I was diagnosed, as there was no reason to go and get a bag of stuff I would never eat (save for a small part) before my friends and parents would eat it all. Alas. Funny; on the way home from the gym -- right at 7 -- I noticed several bunches of kids (and parents) making their rounds in the Parma area (where the houses are closer together)... and then it started to snow. Lightly, nothing sticking, but... as always, all I could say was "Behold the power of global warming."
Amusing of sorts; I got home and accidentally put on the main kitchen fixture (the broken one) and it....came on! I have not shut it off since -- I want to do the dishes in the light before I shut it off -- but if this keeps up... this would have been funnier had I not been writing out my list of shit to do this weekend and on top was "Go to Lowe's and get a fixture and get it installed." I wonder, of course, if this is a last hurrah, or the magic of electricity has found its way back into my kitchen.
Less happily, I went to fill out some paperwork online on the National SVDP site, and... well, first it wouldn't accept my login, so then I went and re-set the password... and that didn't work, so I created a new password, which also failed, and then the system blocked my account. Sigh. I sent a letter to tech support, and we will see what they say... I mean, it's not a disaster, but I wanted to do it tonight, and it is sort of time-consuming to put it all together -- budget stuff, volunteer hours, volunteer demographics (I know, I know). Oi.
The hidden economics of obesity (
As someone who needs to lose a few pounds myself... this is a huge issue (pardon the pun) for us as a society. I have no problem with punishing people who make bad choices, but if we are going to nail half of the population, this is indicative of something deeper...
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