Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Aware and awake

 Mike Johnson?  Mike Johnson?  I have to admit, I had not heard of the guy prior to today, and I probably more into politics than the average American.  Not only is that surprising, but... he got the votes of the entire GOP conference? I find it fascinating, given some of the bigger/better-known names that were floated about.  He is no moderate -- social conservative, religious, election denier; not that this is bad, given the overall tilt of the party, but... it does have a certain level of problematic behavior for the general election.  On the other hand, we have a speaker!  This is good!  The dysfunction might be over, or at least this level of dysfunction.  No word if they can actually govern, lead, pass bills, etc.  But the ability to do so... well, after the past few weeks, this is something.

Guess What Happened to Violent Crime Rates After Ohio Adopted Permitless Carry? – Bearing Arms
I was going to make a point that people like Connie Schultz -- who long proclaimed that the introduction of CCW in Ohio would be a bloodbath -- have never apologized, or even called to the carpet, for making what has since to have been shown to be false.  Now, to be sure, no one ever expected an apology, but...  

Then, of course, we have the horrible events in Maine, and... the more one knows, the worse it sounds.  (At least it is not Islamic terrorism.)  The shooter is known to authorities, had a history of making violent threats, had been hospitalized for said threats, and was released (this seems to be the story as of now, and we need to be concerned as to their accuracy.  Point taken.), which is the worst!  Perhaps equally bad is that no one there seemed to be armed to go after him?  I don't know; as my gun-owning and toting friends like to say, you should not be afraid of the guy who openly carries; it's the guy here who walks in and starts shooting is the worry.  The only was to combat that is to use your own weapon.  It is a terrifying thought, but -- given my own life -- I sometimes wonder if I need to go and get trained and have my own weapon, just in case.  I am not sure I want to, but one must always be prepared for the worst.


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