Wednesday, November 01, 2023

An early start

Long day today -- I should be in bed.  It actually started last night, when I noticed a puddle of water in the bathroom.  After looking up (no roof issue), I soon discovered that the toilet was leaking.  Grrr.  I was able to shut the valve off and clean up the mess, and then I just put some towels on the floor and went to bed.  I could try to fix it myself, but I decided to just call the plumber and say fuck it.  Alas.  It was not a long rest, as I decided -- despite the weather -- to hit early Mass for the Holy Day of Obligation, because we are NOT Hope and Changers and do NOT skip Mass.  Ever.  Have to admit, one of the joys of St. Stan's is seeing the light pour through the windows at first sunrise, relieving the sepulchral pensiveness with the joy of the Resurrection.  But not today -- it was dark the whole time.  Good to see Fr. Paschal again, even if briefly; maybe he had a date, as I like to say.  Anyways, at least I made it work extra early, as the roads were fine and obviously everyone else went to early Mass.  More seriously, I wonder why they don't move the Holy Day to tomorrow -- All Souls Day.  Not that the Saints are unimportant, but don't we want the pour souls to depart Purgatory?  Just saying.  Of course, with the current (Anti-) Pope, anything is theologically possible (well, maybe not theologically)!

EV or Hybrid? What the Next Decade Holds - The Big Picture (
There have been a lot of articles in this vein, and...well, I am not exactly surprised.  Could be me, but there really isn't a compelling reason to get one, is there?  They cost more initially and I suspect most people (especially when everything else is expensive) won't be that interested.  As the above author points out, for quick jaunts they work, but there are a lot of people who drive a lot more, and the lack of charging stations (never mind the unsettled economics of those) makes it even less compelling for people.  Thankfully, the end of the Big 3 strike will make EVs that much more cost-competitive!

Crime spree? Retailers are actually overstating the extent of theft, report says | CNN Business
I don't know... can't it be all of the above?  If anything, I suspect it costs more to operate stores in urban areas (high rents, utilities, more labor) so there may actually be an advantage (even marginal) to cull the herd and concentrate in areas where there are just fewer issues.  Nor do I blame anyone for said choice.

Bobby Knight passed away.  For fans of a certain generation, he was the guy, and now... well, I think few coaches would get away with half of the stuff he pulled (look at Gregg Marshall); with social media, the Internet -- hell even the transfer portal -- players just have so many more options than fear and terror.  I dunno; Tom Izzo seems to have an explosive temper but it also seems that players love him; with Knight you never really saw the love.  On the other hand, his graduation rate was impressive, and a time when guys were committing scandals left and right... well, all of his troubles were external.  


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