Sunday, September 29, 2024


OC duty yesterday and it was...fine?  I mean, I spilled some bad potato juice on me while taking it to the compost pile, and I got some rain on me when pushing the racks back into the clothing room when it began to rain.  If that is the worst thing that happens... it's a good day.  That and a couple of our homeless clients had their crack pipes fall out of the pockets while giving us some incredible BS story, which amused the hell out of me.  Somewhat more seriously, I do need to get that list of other food pantries/pagan (i.e., non-Catholic) churches for clients (especially crackheads) can pester for food.  We need to crack down on the one visit a month....and giving the clients a list when they walk in is far more helpful.  Helpful in a passive-aggressive way, but... in many ways, it is not sustainable.

Today had an amusing start, as Mass was delayed for 15 minutes as we did not have a priest.  Either it was a schedule snafu, or sone other nefarious cause (ahem), but eventually Fr. Steve came by and said Mass.  Funny; he did a good job; few rambles and asides, no Fox News homily, and the result was that it took about the normal amount of time.  Well, mostly.  But it was a nice change, in a way.  Then it was off to the OC for a bit, then the gym, then off to take Communion to my Polish friend... I think it went well; she likes a visit from someone new, and I do try to make her laugh...

Then it was off to St. John Cantius for their Polish Festival.  I met my friend Christine there and we caught up, which was good.  Theirs is just one day, which -- trust me -- I get, and it is much smaller than ours; the food basics, just beer and wine at the bar, baskets, and bakery.  You don't make as much but it is much less work.  On the other make less.  I also learned that there are Polish-style polkas, which, as I told her, is a misnomer, as polkas are not Polish.  (More horns in Polish-style, or, Polish-American, more appropriately.)  They also have those silly ticket things -- buy tickets for food -- which certainly affected my spending.  Anyways, it was nice -- even found a semi-decent parking spot -- and one should support our fellow Polish parishes.

Home, catching up on stuff, doing some work, going through the checkbook, and, of course, doing it all at once, but somehow actually doing it, which is...impressive.  I have way too many links and bookmarks to handle, and while the email is somewhat clear, there is more to cull -- not necessarily this week, sadly, but soon, or I should...

I e-signed an agreement to get the attic steps fixed and installed; hope to get this done ASAP.  I also realized that 1) I need to call the bathroom guy to see where I am on the schedule and 2) another fluorescent bulb is out in my kitchen light (making it pretty much worthless), so I will have to get that fixed, as it's some non-custom shape and the ballasts are askew in some way.  I am not fucking with it anymore, so if I can, I will Thumbtack that replacement.  I always joke about replacing my truck on part as a time, but it seems to be happening with the house now.  Sigh. 


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