Sunday, September 22, 2024

Old is Old But New to Me

Busy day yesterday; got up early (but not early enough, of course), hit the gym, did some food pantry affairs, and then crossed over to the East Side to go here:

Home - American Porcelain Art
It was in the NYT a few weeks ago (not that I get the NYT) and I was like "Gee I need to see this," and as I had a sort-of free weekend, I decided to check it out.  I had a vague idea of where the place was (the old South Euclid library), and while going to the East Side is never fun... interesting place.  Basically, for a time -- post WWII to 2000 -- the US was the global leader in fine art porcelain sculpture, and the museum is a large collection of that.  The pieces were quite beautiful and intricate -- highly detailed nature scenes -- but on the other hand, one could tell that the process of creating this art was... a long way for not much (in terms of output).  The industry has pretty much disappeared in the US, so it's not like there will be more, sadly.  

While out there, I saw the signage for the Armenian Fest at St. Gregory's in Richmond Heights.  I love ethnic festivals, as we know, so off we went.  Funny; I passed by Hunan East (a favorite dining spot when I was at TFG) and I was like, worse comes to worse, I can go there.... and in retrospect I should have.  The people were nice, but the food was...meh.  And, dare I say, cold.  This is not good, given that I was there about 30 minutes after it opened, so you think that stuff would have been ready to go... the food was ok; the lamb was decent, but the rest was meh.  I am not a Mediterranean fan -- the cuisine is close to it -- to begin with, but this didn't help.  I meandered into the church itself, and it was...fairly plain?   A few interesting things, but... not as ornate as I expected.

Then it was off to Tremont for a wedding.  I meandered around Lincoln Park and saw the Arts Fest for a few before -- mainly to quell my stomach which seemed to have a brick in it.  The sight of not-so-wonderful art and all the libtards did do wonders for the digestive system (I guess) and it was just good to meander.  It was a late day, and then I did some laundry once I arrived, so... it was late to bed, and I didn't really sleep well, anyways.  Alas.  Feeling it now.

Today was the usual -- Mass, gym -- and then I came home and did some delayed cleaning.  Bathroom was done, as were the countertops in the kitchen.  Most importantly... a couple of weeks ago I bought a combo VHS/DVD player.  Yes, a VCR...basically, I have plenty of stuff on tape -- silent films, family movies, J! stuff, rare films -- and this stuff was basically off the market.  I found a site that had repurposed electronics, and for $200... anyways, it came and today I decided I would put on my big-boy pants and install it.  (I found my PS2, which made me nostalgic for dynasty mode in NCAA 2005 Football. But another time...)  Anyways, they sent me a detailed instruction set on hooking up 20-year-old tech to the modern flat screen, and after some worked!  We have VHS and DVD again, and it was...glorious.


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