Friday, September 13, 2024

The Start of Something Good

Operation Quiet Weekend started with...well, I worked late to finish up a project, which was a little odd but good, and then it was gym, dinner, and J!  I did some contract work and now I am going through the list of links.  This of course is something I enjoy, so... let's plow through a few more.  One downside of the day was that I missed our quarterly Hunger Network meeting, and there were some changes to the monthly reporting process.  I got an informational sheet, and a video (video!) is coming, but I prefer to see it live and in the flesh.  Alas.  I need to plan/schedule tomorrow -- gym, errands, money games -- since we all know I love to complete (and occasionally do) complex schedules. 

I forgot to post about this yesterday:  I am fascinated by the latest reincarnation of the Pac-12, with 4 MWC teams joining the conference.  There is are money games, of course, but I suspect it will more than pay off, eventually.  The issue, of course, is that now the Pac-12 has but six teams, and needs two more to be a real conference.  Several people pointed out a potential (and easy) solution -- that Stanford and Cal, now ACC members (I think of California when I think of the Atlantic Coast), could return.  On the one hand, it would be a good deal; they would have to pay through the nose to leave the ACC (after joining at a discount) but it would solve all sorts of travel issues (important for the non-revenue sports) and the Pac-12 needs the dudes.  On the other hand, there is a good reason to not let them in -- they left in the first place and really fucked over Wazzou and Oregon State.  Just because the new spouse is worse than the first doesn't mean the first one will take you back, right?

Who’s Responsible for the Housing Crisis? - The Atlantic
Long but interesting.  Quite interesting.  I guess I would say that I agree with some of the things they address but not all; I think people remember the degeneration of the cities and the inner-ring suburbs when all sorts of interesting people moved in, and now that they have their own little NIMBY suburbs, they want to keep them that way.  Nor do I particularly blame them.

The new J! season is....meh?  Averaging 41 correct a night, and three FJ!s correct.  I think I am giving two or three of them away by not paying closer attention to the categories, but...yet another sign of my incipient (and depressing) mental collapse...  Or, I could not multi-task and actually watch the show.  I think we all know which answer I prefer...


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