Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday respite

Busy day.  Long day -- got a bunch of projects, assignments, and such, had to finish some items, and was assigned my 30/60/90 training/career goals.  All to the good!  I think I am stressing a bit about this -- I am still new, and I am just impatient, but...I do want to impress people and be a part of the team.  Anyways, so here we are, trying to blog a bit early so I can get to bed early and then wake up early; it seems odd but I do like to get stuff done bright and early, as we know.  Funny; I have a pile of paper to get through tonight, and I intend to do it, as well as some links and emails, no matter what.  We will see...

Trump tries to reset his campaign after brutal month - POLITICO
This is good.  Not that he is losing, but that he is trying to fix it, though I don't know.  Some of the ads they have been running -- changing the values, Bidenomics -- are quite impressive.  I don't think they will move the needle that much, as most people know how they are voting, least someone is doing something.  I watched the interview last night, and it was certainly a softball... not that we expected anything else.  To be sure, the next GOPer who goes on Bash's show -- and every GOPer should do it -- should call her out about it.  That, of course, would be entertaining.

If Donald Trump's Sex Life Is Fair Game, So Is Kamala Harris' (
Quite true.  Honestly, more people should be asking her about this -- the morality of it and such -- but of course they are Democrats, so it's not like they have any morals, which is fine. Again, GOPers should be mentioning this on every talk show...

Spanish Inquisition in Context: A Moderate Court by the Standard of Its Day | National Review
Interesting.  I am not exactly sure it holds up, but they do make the point that medieval justice was... well,, not exactly justice.

OSU plays tomorrow -- Akron -- and, like most times, I have to say the usual:  they really scheduled the hell out of that one.  OK, more seriously, I like the idea of a gimmie game to start off with, but then you have to play at least two real non-conference teams, or... especially now with the 12-team playoff, you can be forgiven for a loss.  I guess I don't blame teams for pulling this, but until people get cut out of the playoffs for playing only the Little Sisters of the Poor...


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