Friday, August 16, 2024


One of my friends told me that I should have been doing a favorite historical event recap, as I am in posts for the 1800s... I was like, yes, that would have been a good idea, and maybe when I get to 2026 or something, I can start at the year 1800 or something.  Alas.

Two things of note today.  First, I paid off my HELOC today (for now).  My teller was in training, so that was something for her -- paying it off but not closing it -- and it was also something for me, in that (hopefully) in a few weeks the bathroom work will begin, and there will be a balance.  I hope it is sooner, as I want to get the carpet done as well.  Anyways, the other thing done was my professional photo shoot for the headshot for work.  It went well; she was quite kind and took a dozen pics; I selected three and will pass them on Monday.  Funny; the photographer was in training for real estate, and I was able to explain to her the changes with commissions and such.  I am hardly an expert there but I knew more than she did, just from my reading and paying attention.  I definitely need to brush up more...

Florida now counts 1 million more registered Republican voters than Democrats | AP News
This is impressive, and I think it is...well, a mix of things.  Certainly the popularity of Ron and his positions.  Certainly some outmigration to Florida from blue states by the more conservative types.  And, of course, the weather; as I told one of my coworkers today, no one likes snow, and going to Florida, one never has to deal with it...

Finished book 28 this morning.  Still behind, and the links are piling up in the bookmark page, despite my efforts to get through them.  I have a fairly empty email box, but the movie list -- and not even NFR stuff -- is starting to pile up.  Of course, one can read or watch films (mostly).  I suspect that if and when my OC duty ends (or Labor Day weekend) I will able to spend a couple of days watching movies and reading, and that will help.  I hope.


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