Friday, August 09, 2024


My plan to hit the hay early seems to have foundered tonight though in my defense I was productive.  Gym, drugstore for prescription, then home to do some food pantry budget stuff, pay a few bills, and get through some emails and such.  I also need to re-arrange my freezer a bit, which I will do tonight before bed.  I do have some piles of stuff in the kitchen, as more work components arrived; sometime this weekend I will make permanent the work setup.  Not sure why I am putting it off, save for the usual mix of sloth and fear of the technology.

I returned to the National Film Registry today with a viewing of "Boulevard Nights," a coming-of-age/gang member story with an entirely Latino cast, set in the late 70s.  I don't think it was that interesting but as it had the Latino cast... anyways, 837!  I do need to watch the ones I ordered as eventually the library will want them back.  Alas.  I had done a full search of the ones I hadn't seen on the library website, and found a few...this was an unexpected benefit, save for the fact I have to make time to watch them.  

Trump’s Team Had a Harris Strategy. Then He Went Off-Script About Her Race. - WSJ
This could be me, but again, hitting her on the economy and immigration would be far more profitable than the other stuff, save for maybe the fracking flip-flop.  It would take some discipline to do this...


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