Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Change in the Air...

Hard to believe, if you will, how some areas can have severe damage -- trees down, roofs off, etc. -- and power outages, and then other places -- like mine -- which were practically unscathed.  About two miles from me there is still a hot mess, but here it seems...very little.  My neighbor had his fire pit going with downed twigs, and that was about it.  Odd.

Hot Meal meeting today -- I am not really sure I need to attend these things -- and we made the decision to switch to no more seconds and to make (at most) 100 servings of dinner.  No takeouts will also be more strictly enforced.  I guess I expected more acrimony but everyone was on the same page -- food costs are up, people are hogging food, leaving messes -- and it went quickly.  We will see how it goes.  The recent events at St. Malachi's were discussed; I joked about setting off fireworks in the bathroom, but more seriously... I think the issue was that some clients (a bunch of whom cause trouble at the food pantry) are abusing the system and it needs to stop.  Matt the Meanie is of course fine with this; as my sister likes to say, pigs get fat, hogs get eaten.

The house is surprisingly clean, though I still have a pile of crap in bedroom to handle.  I have set up a home office on the kitchen table; the two screens take up about half of it, and it does look a little cramped.  I will keep it for now, as it does keep me focused on work stuff.  I have much to do, and concentrating on finishing training as well as picking up some data and such.  I am not sure if that is the best plan but once all of that is done, I can concentrate on work stuff.  I do have a cardboard pile for the recycling bins at the OC which continues to grow...


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