Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Counterattack

I found a mouse in the garage traps today, which, as we can imagine, generated an immense mass of activity on my part -- laying down more traps, adjusting the ones I have there now, and I think I will call the Orkin man tomorrow, just to get some reinforcements in there.  I realize it IS the garage but Mattie's patience -- in so far as it exists -- is more than exhausted.  Sort of like me; I have not slept well for three nights, and my plan to get to bed early tonight is of course shot.  Had some work to do, SVDP stuff, paperwork, etc.  At least it got done -- for now -- and we will wait for the return fire for these torpedoes.

At least I had a good workout at the gym -- chest today, lifted, and plenty of cardio -- so that was nice.  I am 187 pounds, which I attribute to the snacking post-Xmas party.  All of that was eaten today, save for the cake in the freezer, so that might help out with the diminution of poundage.  Mainly, I think, it is just time, less food, and more exercise.  I took a long walk Monday and it was heavenly; if I had more time I would do it again.  It was beautiful and good to clear my head; not that walking around Chateau Mattie (say, while doing the daily prayers) isn't nice, but it is not terribly helpful.

I note that in the past 3 days I have received 100 emails; maybe 40% are newsletters and such that I read.  About 20% are crap that I sort of read, and the rest... I had to respond to.  I do not want to humblebrag, but it is a volume that is impressive to handle, I think.  I looked at the pile of stuff in my bedroom that I need to handle, and I figured out why I haven't taken care of it yet.


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