Thursday, August 15, 2024


Learned a new task/skill at work, passed inspection, and started another one; if that passes inspection, I think the training wheels will be off, and that is... good.  I mean, getting more involved in things is exactly what I should be doing; that and the various onboarding and training things.  I hope I can pick up the pace next week.

I put some work in on one of the bedroom piles and it is compressed; now two large ones, though some stuff was put away, pitched, or handled.  It may not seem like a lot of progress, but it is some.  My house is mainly put together, but I have just been less than discerning about the bedroom piles.  Not sure why. Ok, I am lazy, that's why, and I have had other things to do.

Today I made an impromptu decision to treat myself... I went to 7PM Mass today and suspected -- and soon realized -- that it was a Polish Mass.  Not really a problem; you can follow along in the missalette, and while the homily was just to me a time of silent prayer, everything else was... the way it should be.  Indeed, the Polish people do Mass proper; hymns at every station, kneeling before Communion, laying flowers at the Dormition of Mary altar, and having a brief prayer service after Mass there.  Quite nice!  Anyways, after Mass I saw that Daisy's -- the Village ice cream shop -- was open, and -- having never been there -- I went.  It was...fine?  Peaches and cream ice cream, quite succulent, double scoops for $4.50 is clearly worth it. The hours are 2-10, and I am usually in the Village in the morning, so it is not exactly my fault I had not been sooner, but...I will definitely go back.

Almost finished with the current book, Wawro's Sons of Freedom, about the US Army in WWI.  His thesis is that we won the war -- the Allies were out of troops and our forces had the mass to overwhelm the Germans, but at horrific cost as we refused/could not adjust to modern war and logistics.  I mostly buy it, though I think he tends to underestimate American drive -- no matter what -- which can cause as many problems as it solves.  It is 509 pages, so the next ones on the list will be...shorter.


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