Thursday, August 22, 2024

Mattie returns

Took yesterday off from blogging -- one of my friends was having a birthday party and I figured I should attend, despite my long-standing aversion to fun.  :)  It was nice, though I probably should have been home being productive or something.  Tonight I made sure I was, getting some work done and handling some texts and emails.  OK; at least I feel productive...

Finally got my Internet upgrade today; the tech arrived and told me that the old one was just wired wrong (another Cox tech had done that, oi) and while I probably didn't need the upgrade.... well, I told him to do it and you can tell; it is faster and there were no more annoying conk-outs during work.  So it is paying off...

So, I found out today that the order I placed for the food pantry will not be delivered until next week... which is when we are closed, so our operations manager had to cancel it and order stuff on the fly.  Oops. I do not think I ordered wrongly, but maybe I did?  The screencaps said no but the order was placed for next week.  Odd.  Unpleasant.  I think we will have just enough for this week, and that is fine -- the big order will be in two weeks -- but I needed this like a hole in my head.  With work onboarding, projects, etc., it was not quite needed.  Hard to believe I am in the new career three weeks!

The People Who Quit Dating (
I guess this is me?  I mean, I guess I am not opposed to it, but as you get older, and people get less attractive...well, I have always been the solitary type to begin with, so it is not that much of a switch.

On the Ballot: American Manhood - WSJ
I don't know; maybe someone should ask Trump and Harris why their parties are so driven clashes and see what they say?  More seriously, I think the left has simply decided they really don't need men anymore, which is fine, save for the fact that then most men will simply join the party that welcomes them.  Given that men traditionally vote less than women...this, like the smaller number of people who go to church every week, is a concern...

My sister and I had our monthly dinner tonight; she selected Si Senor, and while we had been there before, it was quite good.  I forgot you get a lot of food and quickly (and hot); i even sampled the mango margarita and while it was good, I did not have another, as I had to drive home (the server was amused by that).  The tables and chairs have pretty cool artwork; I told my sister I wanted to get them for my house, and she assured me that Mom would indeed spin in her grave...


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