Tuesday, September 03, 2024


 Didn't post yesterday, as I was tired and decided to try and get to bed about 11.  This, of course, was comical, as I could barely sleep and also woke up at 2 in the morning with low blood sugar.  I think I did not have enough caffeine yesterday, as I am quite tired now; certainly feeling it and will try to get to bed soonish, work and stuff I have to or need to do be damned.  Alas but I am tired.  I didn't set the clock yesterday and only slept til 8, after a night of poor sleep as well...

Good weekend; work, caught up on stuff, answered some emails, did some links, etc.  Sunday night I went to a 90th bday, and the honoree -- a friend's grandmother -- was surprised (maybe not a good thing) but took it well.  I only hope I am in as good as shape (body AND mind!) at that age, if I make it.  Sad -- a family friend passed away this weekend at 58, probably an aneurysm.  Very surprising, not expected, and 58 is sort of young... but such are the vagaries of life.

Yesterday I slept in a bit, did some work, and then took a friend to St. Rocco's for their Italian Festival (he had never been).  They changed stuff around -- where you go in, where the rides are -- since the redo.  The lines were fairly long for some of the stuff (especially the fried dough balls, which are huge) but the sausage sandwich was quite good.  We stayed for the greasy pole climb, which was... interesting, as I said on Facebook.  I do not think it was that interestingI do like to support our ethnic parishes, as I belong to one and the Polish Festival is certainly coming up.

That night I met my college roommate Tom and his family as they swung through on the way home from vacation.  The kids like me -- I am the permissive uncle who occasionally says something slightly inappropriate -- and between the dinner, the jokes, the comments about my age, and the horsey and shoulder rides...all were pleased.  My friend's wife tolerates me, but... well, part of being the indulgent uncle is to raise havoc with the child-rearing, right?

How Dungeons & Dragons Made Me a Conservative | US News Opinion
Interesting take.  I guess I never thought D&D had a political bent, nor do I think it should...but these things do happen, I suppose.


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