Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Debate night

 Debate night, and it was.... a hot mess?  I think Harris won, but I do not think it was the slaughter the CNN crowd was proclaiming.  I guess my main issue is that Trump lost the debate, and I do not think that he is the type of person who can win it.  He avoided the obvious errors, but you can tell he is not good at this.  So many times he wandered off, or, worse, never got to the main point -- you have been there for 3.5 years, why haven't you done it?  He did it early, when the talk was on economy and border security, and at the end, in his closing, but the rest...  he could attacked her on the values question, why her staffers flee so often, the flip flops; even the race question he could poised -- with her accents -- as part of her constant "evolution."  Any actual politician trained in debate would have attacked her and ripped her to pieces, but not Trump.   Oi.  Give her credit for making those points, but... she left herself open, too, with a lack of detail on policy questions and such.  I don't think she really deflected those questions about the flip-flops, either.  He could attack her on that at the next debate, if they have one.  Again, though, even if he did 100 debate preps...I don't think he would.  Sigh.

Will it matter?  Some?  I think there are enough undecided voters that it might, especially given how close the race is, especially in the battleground states.  I don't think the base will be moved either way.  Hell, if anything, the Donald can claim it was rigged and the moderators were against him (not wholly untrue) and use that, though... the funding disparity is an issue.  The GOP really shouldn't be losing these things, you know...

Let's just say this is a little less true now...

Virginia parish adds ‘sensory Mass’ for neurodiverse Catholics (pillarcatholic.com)
This is....cool?  Good?  I think we need more of these, and not just every month, either!  To be sure, my prejudice against long Masses with too much music has nothing to do with this.  :)  Moreover, the Church should be everything it can to be bringing people to the Church...

Republicans pushing Christianity into public schools are hitting resistance — even in red states - POLITICO

Isn't this a good thing?  For one, I don't think we want to teaching kids the good parts of Genesis.  More seriously, there are constitutional questions here -- I think the Bible as lit is ok, or as an important part of our tradition (look at the Pilgrims, or the pro- and anti-slavery arguments -- both could quote the Good Book ad nauseum) -- but there is not exactly any evidence that Biblical knowledge improves morality (as evinced by Democrats).  Nor is it exactly conservative to blow money on court cases you will probably lose.


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