Saturday, September 14, 2024

A Day of Activity

 Busy day today and it is not even over!  Slept in a bit -- always bad -- but started the day off with a good workout (chest) and got some bike time, where I was able to make some slight damage on the next book (I am up to 34 but the next few are lengthy, alas).  Then it was off to the bank to play some more money games -- another principal-only payment on the mortgage, which is good, of course.  I then went to Lowe's to try and get the attic doors, but they do not install them.  Ack!  I guess I will have to use thumbtack.  This is not too bad (I hope) and if it can be done quickly... so be it.  Next, off to the West Side to get some Boy Scout popcorn.  Not coincidentally, I assure you, I hit the Fitworks in River for some leg work and some more bike time.  Then it was lunch at Red Lantern -- the Chinese place next to Marc's in Kamm's Corner.  It used to be more of a... dive?  Traditional place?  Now it is much more upmarket.  But quite good; they have lunch sales which I took advantage of so there was sushi and chicken, rice, and veggies.  Quite good.  Then home, where, I took a nice long walk -- again, it was a beautiful day, so let's get some sun and some exercise.  I suspect my legs might rebel later, be it.

Breaking Down OnlyFans’ Stunning Economics —
i have never used this website, I can assure you, but I am fascinated by its rise, growth, and economics.  So here is something to read.  Quite good, and honestly, I see no reason -- provided the rates are not too high -- that this site cannot keep growing, as we are horny buggers, if you get my drift.

Americans Are Falling Behind on Their Bills. Wall Street Is Alarmed. - WSJ
This should be something the Trump campaign should be stressing; I have mentioned before how Biden is keeping rates high, which makes it harder to pay the balances down.  You would think that he would mention this more, maybe even offer up a plan to keep rates down... this would be the sort of thing that would make waves -- and votes -- in the border states.   Hmmm...

Why Men Hate Kamala | Frontpage Mag
I don't know; for one, she is something of a scold, and men hate that.  Also, she is full of empty promises -- men want action not talk.  I don't necessarily think that the fact that she slept her way to the top is a problem, but I think we are know females in the workplace who get ahead by doing not much, and that is annoying to.  Next we get to the policy, and it really goes downhill from there....


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