Sunday, September 15, 2024


 So, my weekend of doing not much is over, and I did some of what I wanted to do; I did clean up one pile of stuff, but not another.  Hit a couple of documentaries and some links and bookmarks, but not enough.  I guess I ended up being busier than I thought; last night I met a friend for drinks (for him); he is a traveling nurse, in town for a few weeks, and he ended losing a couple of patients, and was in a mood to forget, if you get my drift.  I am not one for the medical profession, but he was shook up, even if, as I noted, he should be used to seeing people die...he was, but... I think he still felt it.  Anyways, I ended up taking him home (ha!) and putting him to bed, and it was later than I thought when I got home.

And I was feeling it today; not much sleep, and my calves have been tight all day.  I guess the double gym yesterday did not help.  Anyways, I soldiered through, but I have been tender.  If this is what aging is, I am NOT a fan.  Alas.  I guess I was not too sad that my blood sugar was a bit low at the gym and there was no cardio, though I needed the reading time.  Then it was off to CWRU to meet another friend for coffee, which was fine, as it was a beautiful day, but there is no parking there; I told him he has to come to me next time.  

I took advantage of the trip to the East Side to hit the Hungarian Festival at St. Elizabeth of Hungary, up on Buckeye.  Pretty church; not as pretty or ornate as St. Stan's, of course, but quite nice.  Well-maintained, you could tell...shame, of course, they don't have more parishioners.  The festival itself... not much per se; food, ethnic dancing, the usual.  Their hall is not so large, so I took food to go (and I am not a fan of ethnic dancing).  i was tempted for the liver sausage, but with Boar's Head fresh in my mind, I went with the pork steak and red cabbage.  It was quite good -- a very large portion of each -- and I think I would go back next year.  Then it was home to work and yet another assassination attempt on the Donald.  I don't think it will exactly move the needle, but some GOPer somewhere should be trying to make hay out of this; this one is clearly a lefty, and there is plenty of stuff out there from left about them out for it, preferably with a nifty ad...


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